Benjamin Franklin said
: “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest”. It’s the knowledge about High Frequency Trading technologies that brings profits to investors today. The time of the super technological High Frequency Trading came not that long ago. Today the success of investors who are aware of these trading technologies is comparable only with the success and profits of the first investors who believed in prospects of hedge funds in late 1980s. Learn how profitable High Frequency Trading can be and make money with the help of these Companies that provides an opportunity to invest money in funds and receive a daily profit.
Cherryshares is Brooksell Universal Limited Company. Registration No. 2164408, issued on 25 August 2008.The arena of private investing has always been the exclusive domain of the extremely rich. A few years ago we started a private investment pool that was available to a select few for investment opportunities thatstart at $1,000,000. More recently we opened the door to a wider group of people through the Internet and it worked!

this program has been successful since 2008, and went online in early 2009.
Our pool is the first step to open the ‘gate’ to financial success for all people regardless of their social status or income.
Cherry Shares engages in highly profitable trading activities and “arbitrage exchange” – converting currencies in selected countries around the world where there is a difference between the market rate and the official rate of exchange.

It is still about 70% off-line and employs about 200 people around the world.
We have never invested into businesses connected with illegal activities, and do not cooperate with financial companies that are somehow connected with that kind of income.
Investing in Cherry Shares provides you with an opportunity to control your financial destiny, to spend your time as you wish, with people you love, perhaps even without the need for a job.  JOIN NOW

OrbisTrends - Smarter Profits

OrbisTrends is privately held financial company engaged in 
trading world market commodities, such as all markets-stocks, foreign currencies, ETFs, e-Minis, and mutual funds. Our company is firmly backed by innovative decision-making trading concepts that allow our operators to accurately identify and heavily capitalize on the commodity value trends. The fundamental principle behind company trading system is our Computerized Logistics ™ * system which reveals the direction of any given market trend at its early stage. This approach provides operators with clearly defined, automatic buy/sell/stop signals, thus ensuring high profits, effective risk management, making rational trading decisions, and elimination of the guesswork.

OrbisTrends is flexibly structured to offer the world wide community its investment services with exceptionally modest requirements for participation. While our main operational capital mainly consists of investments from high end private parties and holdings of established funds, we welcome everyone with Internet access and an account in any of the accepted digital currency payment processors. However, depending on the level of participation, total investment volumes and, mostly due to the temporary nature of market movement trends, our current investment products are offered on the «first-come, first-served» basis. Offered investment products are also a subject of various investment term lengths as well as of general availability.

* Computerized Logistics ™ is the term, which OrbisTrends has introduced and is using to describe the rationale behind its proprietary market trends based trading system. In brief, it is the system where basic traded commodity fundamentals selection is performed by the human professionals, followed by software based technical analysis with the ultimate goal of identifying the most likely market movement trends for maximum capitalization.
OrbisTrends - Smarter Profits


Flamanta Company is the first investment company offering High Frequency Trading services over the Internet.
Customers of Flamanta Company or its visitors may be interested to know that the company’s history began not with the purchase of domain and not with the construction of the site that would enable to receive funds from the Internet users. The idea to create a virtual platform was another stage in the evolution of the business run by two traders, Frank Trump and Lewis Rooney, who faced the global financial crisis in autumn 2008. On September 15, 2009 after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Frank, the trader who worked in a large New York investment company, came to conclusion that stock trading would never be the same. It was necessary not just to design new revenue tools, but rather to look at the technology itself from a different angle. In the beginning of winter that year Frank met a successful programmer and analyst in the sphere of trading technologies, who had ties with Getco Company, a leader in the field of High Frequency Trading (HFT).
The acquaintance resulted in the creation of the company engaged in HFT technologies. It was decided to rent several small offices and equip them with server hardware for HFT. Frank and Lewis wanted to open an office on West Street in New York, but their plans were not implemented. In view of this fact and the absence of big turnover and the ongoing global economic crisis, their business generated monthly revenue of about $200,000. This amount turned to be rather small in view of big rent and labor costs.
Today it becomes clear that the decision to refuse from the office located in the heart of New York City’s downtown was right. This situation made Mr. Trump and Mr. Rooney think differently, it made them look at the financial world with the eyes of the 21st century, not the 20th century. In the 21st century the most valuable thing in business is time. So the one who gets quotes faster than others can conclude thousands of buy/sell stock deals per second and that’s the market leader.
Having refused from the office, which would be the place of customer attraction, Frank and Lewis decided to create a website for their future company. It was decided that the website would help to attract new customers and, what’s more importantly, it required less funds if compared with the rental of an office located in the world’s financial center. Markets renewal in late 2009 speeded up the process of creating a new business on the Internet. A sharp rise in company’s profits enabled the company to develop more and more rapidly. The expectation that High Frequency Trading technologies would provide a decent profit was justified, and opening of the site became the primary goal of Lewis and Frank, as at the end of 2009, they were still working with the customers from their established customer base. Once the technical part of the website was finished in spring 2010, the company opened an offshore company and purchased the domain

Today all company’s operations are carried out from Flamanta closed offices in Chicago and New York where managers, analysts and traders work. All trading operations are conducted on behalf of an offshore company Dixoman Trading ltd.
Today’s business of Flamanta Company differs from the traditional investment business. The company doesn’t have a spacious light office, reception counter or the doors flew open in front of each customer. Flamanta business implies hundreds of servers, a team of professionals in the sphere of stock trading and modern technologies and by all means the website which allows to attract electronic money of investors, exchange it to real money and invest it in stocks.
Managing complex intelligent systems and conducting thousands of operations per second on three major U.S. stock exchanges, Flamanta Company heads for a strong growth and market leadership on the HFT market. And those customers who will be with us from the very beginning can feel the benefits of HFT market, the marker that changed the conception of stock trading in early 2000s.